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Jackdaw E Books
Daw Bank and Daw Bank Cottage, Pikestoll Lane, Greenholme, Tebay, Penrith, Cumbria CA10 3TA, England Tel 07340 309636.
Sue has a long list of books to her name, from 1987's One Fell Swoop to 2022's A Century of Fells. You can find them, and all those in between, on her Jackdaw E Books web site.
If you are a writer seeking time and space to create your masterpiece, this is the ideal place. Retreat to the hills and work in peace.
Walk in the morning to charge up your energy. Return to the peace and quiet of the cottage to turn your thoughts into words. Meditate in the quiet dusk of the countryside, and in the morning wake refreshed and ready to write more.
See the Fell Pony Society, Fell pony Museum, Maps and Sue's Jackdaw E Books site.
Site by Sue Millard. Last updated 9 April 2022